Together we can make a better Ireland

Farmers’ Alliance is a grass roots political party that is building a movement of farmers, rural and urban communities to bring about real and positive change for everyone in Ireland. We’re not just for farmers!

Liam McLaughlin

Meet the founder of Farmers’ Alliance

Liam McLaughlin is a sheep farmer from Donegal who launched Farmers’ Alliance with the aim of creating a unified voice of the farming community and pushing back on the ever-increasing policies, which are a threat to our livelihoods. The group grew rapidly to over 20,000 members and in 2023, we were encouraged by many members to register as a political party, a process that we have now completed. We look forward to contesting the Local, General and European Elections with a view to bringing sanity back to local council chambers, Dáil and Seanad Éireann and the European Parliament.


Real change for farmers, urban & rural communities and consumers

Our Policies

Meet the Team


Liam McLaughlin

Latest News

Violence and The Irish Legal System

Violence and The Irish Legal System

Official Statement Condemning the Suspended Sentence Given to Cathal Crotty June 21, 2024 We express deep disappointment and concern over the recent judicial decision to impose a suspended sentence on Cathal Crotty, an Irish soldier, for violently assaulting Natasha O’Brien, leaving her unconscious. This lenient sentence fails to deliver justice and undermines the principles of…

The ACRES Farce

The ACRES Farce

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The Nature Restoration Bill

The Nature Restoration Bill

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